Learn the stroke order of the Chinese character "快"

The character "快" has 7 strokes. Its radical is "忄". View the introduction of "快"

Let's take a look at the stroke order of "快."



Animated demonstration of the stroke order for the Chinese character "快"

Characters with the same pronunciation as "快"

The basic meaning of the Chinese character "快"

adj.: fast; quick; rapid; swift; (of a car,a boat,etc)speedy; quick-witted; nimble; clever; ingenious; (of knives, scissors, etc) sharp; keen; straightforward; forthright; pleased; happy; gratified

adv.: hurry up; make haste; soon; before long

n.: yamen runner

Form words with "快"

显效快 produce quick effect

快进键 fast-forward key

快倒键 rewind button

心率快 tachycardia; accelerated heartbeat

长得快 grow fast

快干漆 quick-drying paint;quick-drying paint

快门锁 shutter-release lock

快车票 express ticket

收效快 get quick returns

走这般快 go this fast

学东西快 learn quickly; quick at learning

小丑快寄 clown express delivery

快结束了 be drawing to an end

说话语速快 speak quickly

走这快 go this fast

来得容易去得快 easy come, easy go; easily gained, easily lost

把书快递给某人 express a book to sb

Example phrases using "快"

Explanation of Chinese character strokes

The types of Chinese character strokes refer to the classification of basic strokes that make up Chinese characters. According to traditional classification methods, the types of Chinese character strokes can be divided into eight major categories, namely: horizontal, vertical, left-falling, right-falling, dot, lifting, hook, and turning. Here is a brief explanation of each type of stroke:

Horizontal: A straight line segment from left to right, such as the character "一".

Vertical: A vertical line segment from top to bottom, such as the character "丨".

Left-falling: A line segment that falls from top to bottom and slants to the left, such as the character "丿".

Right-falling: A line segment that falls from top to bottom and slants to the right, such as the character "乀".

Dot: A small dot, such as the character "丶".

Lifting: A line segment that falls from top to bottom and bends to the right, such as the character "㇀".

Hook: A hook shape formed at the end of a stroke, such as the character "亅".

Turning: A shape where the stroke turns in the middle, such as the character "乛".

These types of strokes can be combined to form complex Chinese characters, each composed of different strokes. Understanding the types of Chinese character strokes is very important for writing and recognizing Chinese characters.

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