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The character "挟" has 9 strokes. "挟" is one of the 3500 commonly used characters. The character "挟" has 2 pronunciations, it is a polyphonic character. The pronunciations of "挟" are "jiā" "xié" . View the stroke order of "挟">>
The basic meaning of the Chinese character "挟"
v.: hold under the arm; cherish; harbour; coerce; hold hostage
- cherish : v.爱护;珍爱;珍视;抱有;怀有
- harbour : n.海港;安全港湾;避难所
- coerce : v.强迫…做;用强迫手段获得
Form words with "挟"
Example phrases using "挟"
Pathogenic summer-heat usually accompanies pathogenic dampness to invade the body.
Water. will you carry the burden of their lameness?
We carried armfuls of foliage to the bonfire
我把他的头挟在腋下, 可以狠狠地揍他.
I had ( his ) head in chancery, and could give it him.
One who was distant came near to me in the morning, still nearer when taken away by night.
The sands in your way beg for your song and your movement, dancing water. will you carry the burden of their lameness?
Objective: To compare the effect of cold pathogen with that of cold with wind-dampness pathogen on pathomorphological changes in lung tissue of rats.
Some aspects, such as the sediment carrying capacity and the treatment of slip condition, are considered.
It approaches the development of surveying instruments of sediment flux and its application and briefly describes the sediment carrying capacity at the delta and study status on bed resistance.
The rate of channel bed scour in sediment laden flows are experimentally studied.